Friday, October 10, 2008

If you came here looking for.... on hacking into your companies network, PC repair tips or previews of the the next upcoming Matrix movie; you've come to the wrong place. Yes, I am an IT Tech. Yes I am fully capable of making repairs to your PC or assisting you in connecting to your wireless network. Ever been asked what do you do, only to respond with your occupation. I am much more than just an IT Tech. I am a father, a husband, an artist, a carpenter and more. I would no sooner ask the bartender at the bar to come over and make me drinks all night or the cook at the local diner to come over and cook for me. When I was employed as a carpenter, I was always being asked to build something for someone. Now I don't mind helping out now and then but remember you are one of hundreds, asking the same things, of me....(phone rings!) You guessed it, someone asking me to come over and fix their computer? See what I mean? I have an Xbox 360 that I love to spend time playing. The video card has gone out in I am knowledgeable enough to fix it myself..but why when I have the insite to have purchased a warranty, to remedy things like this. How ironic is it, that it is the local bartender? Perhaps they would like to come over this evening and serve me and the wife, drinks all night, as re-payment for fixing their computer. Now, I hate to say "NO". It is a problem of mine. I want to help people and fix everything, for everyone, BUT...while I'm spending time working on other peoples things, I have no time to work on my own, ie my home remodel, my music and sound collection, my Xbox 360 or just spend time with my family relaxing. So technically, I just spent a hundred and fifty dollars on a Best Buy warranty so that you can spend more time doing what you like to do, while I fix you mistakes and misfortunes. So you are welcome. I have a hard time being out and around people as it is. Living with the constant fear that someone is going to ask me to fix something for them, when I leave the house, only makes it worse. Just a tip for my readers; their are these things called stores, and in these stores there are people. These people are called IT Techs. They make a living, helping people like you and me, They fix our stuff. Now I know for some you have only read about them or seen pictures of these things in magazines, but trust me they do exist. If you really want some advise, write this down. There is this thing called a "warranty" and it helps to cover the cost of alot of these things. So take it from an IT Tech, buy the damn warranty. Also don't expect the Pentium II PC you bought 9 years ago to last forever. People always seem to get offended when they ask, "what should I do"? I respond, "shit-can it and go buy a new one"! This is always followed by, "do you know what I paid for this"? My response to this is, "I bought a PC in 2000 and another in 2005". The newer PC performed 400 times faster and was capable of things never though imaginable by the first one. They both sold for $1000 dollars. It doesn't mater what you spent on it it is only worth, what is right now. I am often amused by people who by PCs, by looking at their price tag. These are the same people, who buy a $3500 PC to use as nothing more than a word processor. Come on people! Honestly if you don't know what it is or does you either (a.) don't need it or (b.) are to fucking stupid to have one! having money does not make people smarter. Spending $3500 on something, you don't have the knowledge to appreciate is a waste of your money. My advise to you is to buy any run of the mill PC and in a year or two, I assure you, you will soon learn what it is you truly need and want.


hugginsluvins said...

I have been asking to have something fixed for some time now and you would rather go fix Mary???

Rochelle said...

Nevermind...... I was going to ask you to fix my computer when you come over. guess I need to go out and marry my own IT Tech.