Look around the room.
LOOK around the room.
Look into the eyes of each person around you.
Do you see me?
Look again…
For I am not really gone…
I have only moved on…changed.
I am still right here in this very room.
I am everywhere and nowhere now.
I am free of the shell that has held me for so long.
I am only energy….just as every one of you are.
Look at your hands….
Are they solid?
Think about it?.....
Are they not just a collection of cells, made to look like a hand?
What is your hand made of?
Flesh and bone?…think smaller.
Are those cells nothing more than molecules?
And what are molecules made of?
Atoms…good you are catching on.
And what is at the heart of each atom?
A nucleus.
And can we split atoms?
Do we have the technology to see each of these things and know they exist?
Have we all seen a nuclear explosion?….
Do we have an understanding of how powerful energy is at the sub atomic level?
So I ask you again….are we solid, or just a collection of energy?
We are a collective of Energy…
I have just chosen to change the frequency of this energy and you are no longer able to receive it.
I am still here…you just have to look….not with your eyes or your ears…
Look beyond those senses.
For they are nothing more than an electrical interpretation of what your eyes see or your ears hear.
How about something as simple as a thought?
There I am.
We all have this power within us.
Perhaps you already are able to manipulate your frequency?
You may have changed your frequency before coming here today.
You are all sharing your energy right now as you offer up your prayers and condolences?
You may have all changed your frequency into a healing and nurturing force.
So know that I am still here, just different now.
I am in each and every one of you now.
We have all shared our energy at one time or another.
Perhaps you have come to return that energy to me, today.
Or…perhaps you have come to share it with the others around you.
In either case, I thank you.
Again I ask you to look into the eyes of those around you.
Can you see me now?